I discovered at my first Al‑Anon meeting just how much alcoholism had affected me, even though I didn’t drink. I was just as sick as my alcoholic boyfriend—maybe worse. I was obsessed. I constantly searched for alcohol and poured it out when I found it. I didn’t sleep or eat, and I was deeply depressed. I felt crazy. My life had become unmanageable.
During that meeting, I learned I was not alone. I remember sitting there that night, at the end of my rope, when I heard a woman sobbing as she shared her experience. I could feel her pain because her story mirrored mine. I was surprised to realize that I was that sobbing woman. It was my voice sharing all I’d endured. I’d never heard of Al‑Anon before and didn’t know what to expect that night. I walked in feeling broken and devastated, but I left feeling relieved because I knew that I was not alone. I felt accepted, welcomed and supported. I’d found freedom.
By Ann M., Florida
The Forum, December 2017
Reprinted with permission of The Forum, Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters., Inc., Virginia Beach, VA